the blue bead
Our Founders
For over 15 years, Ted and Kate Jauw have been collaborating together and with others on installations, at events, in the classroom and more. Our passion is to increase understanding and to open our minds and hearts to important issues. The use of art, music and storytelling creates empathy over sympathy and allows us a way to find creative solutions and build community. The ability to create relationships in turn creates action and that is at the heart of our mission. Whether it is a local community or a global one, the idea that art in all its forms can unite us is what we teach, how we heal and who we bless.
Join them on their various adventures which may include supporting local food pantries, beautifying neighborhoods, developing programs for schools and bringing cultural awareness to the public, all done through art, music, storytelling and more.
Our Mission
To Teach, Heal and Bless.
Why a Blue Bead?
Beads are one of the earliest forms of currency used in trade. The Blue Trade Beads were used between the 15th and 20th Centuries as currency, in exchange for gold, ivory, land and slaves, which lead to the name "Slave Bead".
The beads represent to us, not only injustice, but a way to correct it. They are a symbol that can raise awareness of inequalities as we continue to challenge the beliefs we hold that enable their existence.
The bead, at one time, was associated with slavery. Today, we hope to associate it with freedom; the freedom to live a whole, healthy, opportunity-filled life.